Homes and Communities Board
By 2050 everyone in Bristol will live in a home that meets their needs within a thriving and safe community.
Our vision
By 2050:
- 60,000 new homes will have been built, of which 24,000 are affordable, and since 2037 all new homes built in the city will be fully accessible.
- Everyone will be able to access fuel, insulation and heating to ensure nobody suffers from a cold home.
- The last sleeping bag used on the streets of Bristol by a homeless person will have been in the 2020s.
- The number of empty properties will be reduced; the waiting time for social housing will be reduced, and Bristol will have the lowest rate of homelessness for any city of its size across the UK.
- We will live without fear of hate crime.
- We will hear fewer lone voices because social isolation will have halved since 2018. Shops, streets and community spaces will be age friendly and accessible to all.
The Co-Chairs of the Homes and Communities Board are:
- Bristol City Council, Councillor Barry Parsons
- Brunelcare Chief Executive Officer, Oona Goldsworthy.
The Homes and Communities Board members* are currently:
- 1625 Independent People, Dom Wood
- ACH, Paul Hassan
- ACORN, Collin McCloud
- Brighter Places, Anna Klimczak
- Bristol Association of Letting & Management Agents (BALMA), Cathy Provenzano
- Bristol Community Land Trust, Rachel Butler
- Bristol Housing Festival, Jeremy Sweetland
- Bristol Older People’s Forum (BOPF), Judith Brown
- City of Bristol College, Julia Gray
- Eastside Community Trust, Stacy Yelland
- Homes and Landlord services – Bristol City Council, Louise Davidson
- Housing Management Board, Peter Daw
- Missing Link, Sarah O’Leary
- Neighbourhoods and Communities – Bristol City Council, Penny Germon
- Quartet Community Foundation, Ronnie Brown
- SARI (Stand Against Racism & Inequality), Alex Raikes
- The Crown Estate, Rachel Sherratt
- University of Bristol (UoB), Barra MacRuairi
- Vistry Partnerships, Kathryn Pennington
- Womble Bond Dickinson (WBD), Jonathan Bower
*Members were elected in March 2022
Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference were revised and signed off by Board members in April 2022: