Census 2021 and Population Data Sources

Census 2021 Data PowerBI dashboard

Census 2021 Data PowerBI dashboard

Summarising headline results for population data, including ethnicity and health related data from the 2021 Census.
Census 2021 Data PowerBI dashboard
Census 2021 Data website & reports

Census 2021 Data website & reports

The report paints a picture of the population of Bristol and brings together statistics on the current population, recent trends in population and migration and future projections.
Census 2021 Data website & reports
Population data by ethnic group

Population data by ethnic group

Census 2021 Population Profile by Ethnic Group
Population data by ethnic group
Census data dashboard - by area & topic

Census data dashboard - by area & topic

Presents detailed Census 2021 stats for smaller geographies, allowing a user to choose between an area profile or a subject profile.
Census data dashboard - by area & topic
Bristol Ward Profiles tool

Bristol Ward Profiles tool

Dashboard comparing 34 Bristol wards with the Bristol average across a range of data subjects including health. Provides ethnicity breakdown at ward level based on Census 2021

Bristol Ward Profiles tool
Quality of Life in Bristol - Survey

Quality of Life in Bristol - Survey

The Quality of Life (QoL) survey provides an annual snapshot of the quality of life in Bristol.
Quality of Life in Bristol - Survey
Quality of Life in Bristol - data dashboard

Quality of Life in Bristol - data dashboard

The Quality of Life (QoL) survey provides an annual snapshot of the quality of life in Bristol. There are 240 indicators in the current dashboard most available by all 34 wards, over 30 demographics and equality groups, the 10 deciles of deprivation and locality.
Quality of Life in Bristol - data dashboard
Improving ethnicity recording in health data

Improving ethnicity recording in health data

Race Equality Foundation and ONS working with Welcome Trust on improving quality of ethnicity data in health-related sources
Improving ethnicity recording in health data
Black British Voices Project

Black British Voices Project

The Black British Voices Project brings together over 10,000 voices from Black communities across the UK, on a wide range of social and cultural issues, including health matters.
Black British Voices Project
Mothers & Babies : reducing risk : MBRRACE-UK

Mothers & Babies : reducing risk : MBRRACE-UK

The MBRRACE-UK collaboration is responsible for running the national Maternal, New-born and Infant clinical Outcome Review Programme (MNI-CORP), funded by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP). The main purpose of MBRRACE-UK is to conduct robust national surveillance and investigate the deaths of women and babies who die during pregnancy or shortly after pregnancy in the UK. By investigating these deaths, MBRRACE-UK hopes to prevent similar deaths or serious complications in the future. In this way, MBRRACE-UK aims to support the delivery of safe, equitable, high-quality and patient-centred maternal, new-born and infant health services.
Mothers & Babies : reducing risk : MBRRACE-UK