Bristol City Office is refreshing the membership of many of its boards in 2024 and 2025. This is because the current members have now served their term, as specified within each board’s Terms of Reference.

City Office is seeking applications to join One City Boards from candidates representing the private, public, and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sectors that can build on the progress made by the boards and make a positive contribution. One City Board members play an important role in collaborative city leadership by harnessing city-wide resources to work together to make Bristol fairer, healthier and more sustainable, a city of hope and aspiration.

Board Members have:

  • Leadership to shape and set the direction for their thematic area which is incorporated into the One City Plan.
  • Influence and networks to drive city-wide action and coordinate the delivery of the goals set out in the One City Plan.
  • Willingness and capacity to work collaboratively within the board and across the whole One City structure to tackle city-wide priorities.

Membership Refresh Principles

To ensure that the One City boards remain effective, diverse, and are aligned with the evolving needs of the city, City Office are adopting the following principles:

  • Embracing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

A diverse board will be able to understand and address the unique challenges faced by different communities within the city, leading to more equitable and inclusive decision-making. By refreshing board membership, City Office aims to bring in people and perspectives that represent different sectors, backgrounds and professional experiences.

  • Enhancing Strategic Focus

The opportunities and challenges facing Bristol continue to evolve. A refreshed board membership will provide fresh ideas, innovative approaches to problem-solving and a renewed strategic focus, helping the boards to stay aligned with the city’s long-term goals and adapt to changing circumstances.

  • Fostering Engagement

A key aspect of the Bristol One City Approach is its commitment to stakeholder engagement. By refreshing its board membership, One City can strengthen its connections with various organisations, groups and stakeholders. Each board member will have their own networks and relationships, which can be leveraged to enhance outreach and participation to deliver the One City Plan and its goals.

  • Ensuring Sustainability and Resilience

Finally, the membership refresh is a crucial step in ensuring the sustainability and resilience of Bristol One City. By regularly infusing the boards with new talent and perspectives, boards can remain agile and responsive to future challenges.

The member refresh for One City Bristol boards is a strategic and necessary step to ensuring that the One City Approach continues to thrive and effectively serve the city and its residents. By embracing equality, diversity and inclusion, enhancing strategic focus, fostering engagement, and ensuring sustainability, Bristol One City is well-positioned to achieve its vision of a fair, healthy, and sustainable city.