Bristol’s Race Equality Covid-19 Steering Group

Formally named the Race Equality Covid-19 Steering Group, the group was initially established in April 2020, commissioning a rapid review into the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds. This rapid review report outlined policy recommendations to address the inequalities behind the disproportionate impacts. In response to this, the Race Equality Covid-19 Steering Group was formed, bringing together members of Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, organisations, public health leaders, medical and clinical leaders, Bristol City Council and other statutory partners.

The steering group was set up to address these policy recommendations along with recommendations in the Public Health England understanding the impacts on BAME communities report.

You can read the rapid review and Public Health England report here:

Steering Group Report

Co-producing what works for our communities in this city: an evaluation of the Bristol Race Equality Covid-19 Steering Group

The report Co-producing what works for our communities in this city: an evaluation of the Bristol Race Equality Covid-19 Steering Group describes how the group worked together to tackle the unprecedented challenges of coronavirus (COVID-19) for Bristol’s racially minoritised communities and shares information about the city’s remarkable partnership approach and response to the Covid-19 pandemic amongst Bristol’s Black & minoritised communities.

You can also read the report summary here.

Should you have any queries regarding the work of Bristol’s Race Equality Covid-19 Steering Group please direct these to