Bristol One City Climate Change Ask
The Bristol One City Environment and Economy and Skills boards call on all businesses and organisation based in the city to:
- Declare an ambition to become Net Zero by 2030
- Commit to developing a plan to reduce carbon emissions within 6 months
- Start delivering on your plan within 12 months
- Inspire other businesses by sharing your journey. We want to share your stories as #BristolClimate Action
Our Offer to the city is that we will connect you to the businesses and networks that can support you to write that plan and to have it in place by 2022. Acknowledging that your plan will not cover all your emissions, but it will enable the next step that will set us on the pathway to 2030.
Many Bristol businesses have taken steps to reduce emissions and if you are one of them, then please start planning and sharing your next steps.
Complete this form
Declare your 2030 Net Zero Ambition
What does ‘Ambition to become Net Zero by 2030’ mean? – Bristol as a city has an ambition to reduce carbon emissions to as close to zero as possible by 2030 and for residual emissions to be offset by credible schemes. The One City Climate Strategy established a framework for what needs to happen to achieve this, including the essential role of businesses and organisations.
What is a ‘Carbon Action Plan?’ – If your customers are not already asking you how you are reducing carbon emissions, they soon will. A Carbon Action Plan will set out how you plan to reduce carbon across your business. It is unlikely that you will be able to plan every step to net zero now. So, plan for what you can achieve, acknowledge that some areas will be challenging and then revise your plan once you have delivered some changes that reduce emissions. Resources exist to support you plan, as below.
How to start delivering? – an easy place to start is by measuring your carbon emissions and where they come from, so that you can target your action and measure your progress – many businesses already do this. An alternative is to start delivering on the easy wins like switching to a renewable energy supplier, installing better insulation, LED lighting or putting solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on your roof. Resources exist to support you in measuring your emissions and for some easy wins.
How can I share my climate action story? No matter how much your business or organisation has done so far, your journey to Net Zero will help inspire others. Publicise your ambition on your website and social media channels. Publish your plan as to what you intend to do and tell us your story. When you deliver changes that reduce emissions get good pictures and video and share them across your channels using the hashtag #BristolClimateAction. Example video stories from other businesses, templates and Bristol Climate Action branding to help you tell us your story exist.
What support exists? Bristol has an unusually large range of business networks, sustainability professionals, low carbon economy start-ups, businesses, consultants and service providers who are keen to hear from you and to help you develop and implement your plan to reduce carbon emissions. Many of these come at low or zero costs, and some can offer you funding to deliver your next step.