The One City Goals Dashboard

The One City Plan has 546 initiatives. This dashboard allows you to filter theme, sub-theme, relevant Sustainable Development Goal, year or keyword. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future goals please complete our short survey so we can improve this new tool.

There is also now a new Ward Profiles tool available to all, with information on many aspects of Bristol life including population, jobs and the economy, quality of life, health, education, and community safety for each ward in Bristol. There is now free access to more in-depth data across all these topics. Further information can be found on our Ward Profiles webpage


Children & Young People(82)
Economy & Skills(82)
Health & wellbeing(82)
Homes & communities(82)


Adverse Childhood Experiences(9)
Affordable, secure, warm, homes(26)
Carbon Neutrality(40)
Connected inclusive neighbourhoods(34)
Economic growth and productivity(44)
End childhood inequalities(31)
Health inequalities(55)
Healthy natural environment(32)
Healthy, active, sustainable transport(30)
Healthy, ethical, sustainable food(13)
Mental health(14)
Neighbourhood and employer integration(9)
Safe city for all(21)
School engagement and attendance(19)
Tackling economic exclusion(34)
Well connected city(28)
World class communications infrastructure(23)
Youth empowerment in communities(24)


2023 — 2050


Affordable and Clean Energy(14)
Clean Water and Sanitation(3)
Climate Action(15)
Decent Work and Economic Growth(62)
Gender Equality(12)
Good Health and Wellbeing(78)
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure(49)
Life Below Water(2)
Life on Land(12)
No Poverty(8)
Partnerships for the Goals(8)
Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions(30)
Quality Education(32)
Reduced Inequalities(28)
Responsible Consumption(23)
Sustainable Cities and Communities(94)
Zero Hunger(16)

Goal 37
Year: 2023

All children have access to healthy food at school, with school meals meeting high nutritional standards, considering their carbon and nature impacts and with improved access to growing food opportunities for children working with the Good Food 2030 partnership

Goal 38
Year: 2023

By acting on what children, young people and their families/carers tell us and working with the Local Plan refresh, we have started to make a real difference to the city’s communal spaces and streets so that they are more welcoming and everyone feels safer

Goal 39
Year: 2023

By reducing suspensions and exclusions, school attendance rates are on track to be in line with the top quarter of best performing local authorities and suspension rates are below the national average (particularly for SEND and racially minoritised young people) by 2028.

Goal 40
Year: 2023

The city is supporting Bristol’s early years and childcare sector by ensuring any national government legislation changes are most effectively benefitting Bristol.

Goal 41
Year: 2023

A major events and festival programme celebrating the 650th anniversary of Bristol becoming a city is part of a refreshed campaign (including the Bristol Homecoming Campaign) to increase sustainable tourism, in line with the findings from the International Year of Sustainable Tourism 2017

Goal 42
Year: 2023

There is an ongoing upward trend in employment opportunities for young people, care leavers, older people and adults with learning difficulties and disabilities through local coordination and support for appropriate paid work experience and trainee/ apprenticeship programmes

Goal 43
Year: 2023

Bristol holds annual awards to recognise individuals, communities and organisations for their leadership and contribution to an environmentally sustainable and socially just future

Goal 44
Year: 2023

35% of domestic homes in Bristol are insulated to a high standard (C+)