The One City Goals Dashboard

The One City Plan has 546 initiatives. This dashboard allows you to filter theme, sub-theme, relevant Sustainable Development Goal, year or keyword. If you have any feedback or suggestions for future goals please complete our short survey so we can improve this new tool.

There is also now a new Ward Profiles tool available to all, with information on many aspects of Bristol life including population, jobs and the economy, quality of life, health, education, and community safety for each ward in Bristol. There is now free access to more in-depth data across all these topics. Further information can be found on our Ward Profiles webpage





Goal 80
Year: 2025

Water leakage has reduced by 15% since 2020

Goal 314
Year: 2038

Rain water is recycled on all properties across the city

Goal 440
Year: 2045

Household water consumption has fallen by 25%
on 2022 levels