Economy and Skills Board Resources

The One City Economy and Skills Board held its first meeting on 17 September 2019 where members agreed the Board Terms of Reference.

If you would like to observe Economy and Skills board meetings please contact the City Office as spaces are limited.

Agenda & Minutes Archive

1 December 2022 – Agenda and Minutes

7 September 2022 – Agenda and Minutes

15 June 2022 – Agenda and Minutes

7 April 2022 – Agenda and Minutes

During the COVID-19 crisis the Economy and Skills Board has been meeting on a weekly basis to provide a regular touch point for discussions around sector specific challenges and how we can begin to think about recovery for Bristol. Below are the minutes from these weekly Economy and Skills Board calls:

At the meeting on 7 July 2020 the Economy and Skills board decided to reduce the regularity of its meetings to every three weeks.

Two workshops replaced two of the May 2020 economy board meetings to bring together key city stakeholders for discussions about how we as a city plan to approach recovery – a summary of both of these is included here.

The content from these meetings and other stakeholder discussions with our One City Thematic Boards, SDG Alliance and Bristol Advisory Committee on Climate Change has been used to form our One City Economic Renewal Statement of Intent. This statement of intent is not the recovery plan for the city. It is not an in depth strategy for our recovery but instead it is a recognition of how we as a city want to rebuild after the COVID-19 crisis and what our priorities are for recovery. To read the full statement of intent:

Following the development of the Statement of Intent, more than 300 City partners were been engaged with to contribute to the One City Economic Recovery and Renewal Strategy. The strategy is built around three pillars; People and labour markets, Business and Investment and Bristol’s Places. Each pillar identifies priorities for response and recovery. For more information on the priorities established in the strategy and a detailed analysis of the evidence and context for each pillar see the strategy in long or short form below:

Following The Economy board co-created the One City Climate Ask with the Environment board. If you are interested in making a commitment to Net Zero, click on the below link to access more information about the ask and offer and find out more.

A group of employers in the city has been formally recognised by the Living Wage Foundation for their work to make Bristol a Living Wage city. The aim of the group is to more than double the number of accredited Living Wage employers in the city by 2023. If you are a Bristol business and would be interested in becoming accredited or want to find out more about paying the real Living Wage find out more here.