Health and Wellbeing Board

By 2050 everyone in Bristol will have the opportunity to live a life in which they are mentally and physically healthy.

The One City Health and Wellbeing Board was established in 2013 and aims to improve health and wellbeing by providing a forum in which key health and care leaders can work together.

It consists of elected members and leaders from public health, social care, the NHS and the voluntary and community sector. Connectivity to the other One City thematic Boards is crucial in order to address the ‘social determinants of health’; the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age.

The Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory board. If you would like to observe the Health and Wellbeing board meetings, please contact Democratic Services at Bristol City Council.

Our vision

By 2050:

  • Our citizens will thrive in a city that supports their physical health and mental health equally, with children growing up free of adverse childhood experiences having had the best start in life and support through their life.
  • Our strong communities will be formed of resilient and independent people. Our people will live healthier for longer and live happier lives in Bristol.
  • Integrated health and social care will seamlessly meet the ever-changing needs of our communities. We will focus on early help and prevention; our interventions will be tailored and person-centred.
  • As a result, the gap of life expectancy levels between the most deprived areas and the most affluent areas of Bristol will be reduced significantly.

Health and Wellbeing Sub-themes

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