Below are the City’s three ambitious priority goals for 2024, taken from the One City Plan, and voted as priorities at our November 2023 City Gathering. One City stakeholders have been working together to take forward actions to deliver these goals.

Gender, race, ethnicity and disability pay gaps are decreasing due to improved skills pathways and mentoring enabling routes to senior employment opportunities.

Activity to deliver this goal has so far focused on:

  • Collecting background data, doing some bench marking and holding meeting with partners and stakeholders.
  • Identifying key initiatives in Bristol which offer support for this goal, both for individual and for businesses.
  • Collating a list of challenges and asks from partners, highlighting any barriers to employment and career progression, specially related to gender, ethnicity and disability.

There is lots of activity taking place in Bristol with free or relatively low-cost resources available which can support individuals and businesses. These initiatives include Bristol Women in business Charter, Good Employment Charter (WECA), Our City 2030 and Disability Inc (WECIL).

Members of the Culture Board and the Economy and Skills Boards will be invited to take part in a workshop some external representatives to consider the challenges, to map pay gaps and progression across city partners and to collate, share and amplify existing good practice.

Race equality is actively considered and incorporated in Bristol’s approach to housing, such as location, building standards, design, accessibility and affordability.

Recognising that to solve any one of the action areas requires multiple agencies and that Race Equality in Housing is a neighbourhood issue and at the heart of community outcome, the One City Homes and Communities group have created a Race Equality and Housing working group with the National Housing Federation, SARI, Bristol City Council’s Housing and Landlord Services, and six local housing associations: Abri, ACH, Alliance, Brighter Places, Curo, Elim. This group have put together a detailed action plan, informed by the BSWN Housing BAME Communities Report, the Race and Housing Conferences, and the tragic deaths of Bijan Ebrahimi and Kamil Ahmad with the following priorities:

  • Buildings, Design and Social Innovation.
  • Housing Management/ Service Delivery.
  • Policies and Procedures for race equality and race hate crime.
  • Representation and Engagement – Board and Staff, and Service Users.
  • Community Cohesion/ welcoming new communities.
  • Wide adoption of SHARP – UK Social Housing Anti-Racism Pledge.

Suspensions and exclusions in our schools are below the national average and attendance rates are among the top quarter of best-performing local authorities by 2028, particularly among SEND and racially minoritized students. ​

Activity to deliver this goal has so far focused on:

  • Research to understanding the local data on suspension and exclusion rates, identifying key stakeholders and existing activity taking place across the city.
  • Supporting the production of Bristol’s Anti-Racism in Education Engagement report which will inform Bristol’s Anti Racism Strategy to address outcomes for Children and Young People in Bristol.
  • Encouraging One City stakeholders to support and attend the High Sherriff’s Inclusion not Exclusion event at Bristol Beacon in April.
  • Holding a spotlight on Exclusions in March 2024’s City Gathering and calling the city to action.
  • Asking all in attendance at Race and the City 3 event in March to support Bristol’s Anti-Racism Strategy.

The mission of the children and young people’s board places children and young people at the heart of what it does; wanting everyone in Bristol, by 2050, to have the best start in life, gaining the support and skills they need to thrive and prosper in adulthood. Inclusivity and diversity are at the core of all its work so that children and young people in the city have a sense of belonging that empowers and enables them to thrive. Bristol’s anti-racism in education engagement report highlights this mission and will be used to inform Bristol’s Anti Racism Strategy to improve outcomes for all children and young people across the city.