Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group
Annual Work Plans and Action Plans
Each year the group have published a report for wide sharing with networks across the City and beyond to highlight the work conducted by the group.
Annual report of Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders’ Group for 2020 / 2021
During May’s meeting of our group we finalised our 2020 / 2021 Annual Report based on the work of our group during the last financial year.
The purpose of the Annual Report is to ensure we continue with our transparent approaches to share all our outputs with all sectors and stakeholders across the city to raise awareness of the work of the group.
Within this document readers will be able to view what we set out to deliver during the year, what projects and initiatives we produced in response to these priorities and also commentary from some of our key group partners. The document concludes by showing ‘what’s next’ as we look ahead to our 2021 / 2022 work plan. To access the full annual report please click here.
Annual work plan of Bristol’s Race Equality Strategic Leaders’ Group for 2021 / 2022
Our group have now also confirmed our final annual work plan for 2021 / 2022. Here, we have collectively agreed those key priorities we wish to deliver and focus on together within the year.
However, as 2020 showed us, we will need to again take a fluid approach to these stated priorities to ensure we adapt to any challenges that arise with the year. You can access our work plan by clicking here.
Action Plan – During 2020 the group will be working towards delivery of the multi-agency action plan set in response to the findings of the Race Equality H.R. Data product. Details of the 2020 Action Plan can be found here and will be monitored by all partners on a regular basis during meetings of the group.
Work plan and key priorities – these shall be finalised shortly and made available here.
Work plan – All key priorities set out in for the 2019 work programme were achieved and delivered by the group within the calendar year. These priorities included:
- Delivery of a high profile, race equality event in Bristol to showcase the good work being done across the city.
- Delivery of version 2 of the city-wide multi agency public sector race equality data product.
- Produce and design the annual report for the Race Equality Strategic Leaders Group to achieve maximum exposure and publicity to highlight the positive successes achieved.
- Produce a co-ordinated Communications plan on behalf of the group.
- Ensuring ongoing links with the H.R. Leaders Group, particularly ensuring focus on the recruitment process.
- Aligning the priorities and ongoing work of the group with the Commission on Race Equality.
The 2019 Report revolved around the production of the group’s City-wide Race Equality H.R. Data Product (as available above) and Conference. The group will publish the next Annual Report late in 2020 which will also be available here on completion.
Annual Report – The 2018 Annual Report of the Group is available here and summarises the range of projects delivered in this year, as well as highlighting the 2019 Work Plan set for the group.